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Abcs Of The Playground Games

By Mayra Pierce

Games have a symbolic function, they serve as symbols that help create contexts, anticipate situations, plan future actions or interpret reality. Game favors the process of enculturation and arises naturally. It is indispensable for psychomotor, intellectual, emotional and social development, as skills develop with it and children learn to respect rules and have goals and objectives (the playground games).

In humans, after the emergence of symbolic play at age 2, begins a phase of social game in which children play more and more with each other and with adults, using the language. This social game requires the establishment of agreements, which eventually end up in formal suit, whose essential characteristic is that it's a game with clear rules.

It can be said that they like any sociocultural reality is impossible to define in absolute terms, and therefore the definitions specify some of its features. Among the well known concepts work as follows: In summary, these and many other creators including Moreno-Palos, etc. Include in definitions that cover numerous characteristics common to a variety of views, of which some are most representative.

Game always help build implicit or explicit relations between children bolstered by fun and educational reference. It is an activity that has the end in itself, ie, the individual performing the activity itself to achieving the goal that is to be pleasant. Game has an intrinsic purpose and character of conflict is liberating because it ignores the problems and solve them. One of its main features, which aims to make an ordinary business activity added motivation.

Popular games are closely linked to activities of ordinary people, and over time have passed from parents to children. In most of source is unknown: they simply born of need of man to play, ie it is spontaneous, creative and highly motivating activities. The rule is very variable, and can change from one geographical area to another with ease; They can even be known by different names depending on where you practice.

Currently, as with the definition of game, there are plenty of ideas of sport according to author to be taken as reference. Also conducting another synthesis of authors could define sport and distinguish simple game as follows: Sport is a set of motor and intellectual situations unlike game you are looking for competition with others or yourself, in that precise and specific rules that are institutionalized.

Mammals are characterized by an evolved brain, long childhood, parental care, nursing pups, hunt group, social division and non-genetic work. Mammals play to hunt in a group, define hierarchies, exploration, division of labor, among others. Interaction between mammals (dogs, cats, water, primates) is based on imitation and exploration by trial and error. In some mammals there is a total lack of symbolic play.

They are more solemn game also have been transmitted from generation to generation, but its origins date back to very ancient times. They have not only passed from father to son, but in its preservation and dissemination have had much to see the institutions and organizations that were concerned that would not be lost with the passage of time. They are closely linked to history, culture and traditions of country, a region or a nation. Its rules are similar, regardless of where they are developed.

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