When we talk about hanging out with our family, we start thinking about those fun and memorable things we can do outside. There is something good about being away from home and enjoying a good activity with the people close to you. Some wants to be closer to nature would go out for early morning hiking or camping. Others will go for the more adventurous deep sea diving.
One activity that is gaining popularity at present is this thing called bear watching. This is where you go to place that is known for bear sightings and watch them from a certain location with your guides. Services like the Juneau bear tours arise because of the demand of the people to do the activity with the permission of the local officials of the place.
Bear watching can be fun. But there is a high risks that comes with this activity as well. Remember that they are sensitive animals. They easily react to movements and immediately shift into predatorial mode when they see you as threats. More importantly, they are intelligent. So unless you want to have a problem dealing with these huge animals during one of your visits, be sure to remember the following things.
First, wear the proper attire. You do not go to a park or an aquarium. You go to somewhere remote and away from the city so be sure you are wearing the right clothing. As much as possible, avoid those clothing that will make your uncomfortable to move. Bring spare shirts just to be sure. If you are supposed to go to a mountainous area, bring hiking shoes. Do not forget your cap or jacket as well as the weather demands.
Two, secure your foods.This means placing them in the right place away from the prying hands and eyes of your target animals. Yes, bears can smell foods a mile away. And if you leave those sweet smelling cookies unattended, expect them to come running your car to steal them away. One of your best option may be placing them on your car trunk until you come back from viewing.
Do not approach them. No matter how kind they look or how you badly want to touch their soft looking fur, you should never ever approach them. As mentioned, they are sensitive and intelligent. If they become too accustomed to human presence, they might come straight to you next time. If you feed them, they will eventually come looking for food from you.
Fourth, do not run when you see a bear. It is natural to feel afraid once you see one walking at your direction. More scary if it is looking straight at you. Your first instinct would be to run. However, if you want to be safe, it is best if you do not. Avoid eye contact to the animal as well. Just raise your hand, wave it and slowly back away. No running. Otherwise, you will be chased.
Fifth, bring with you a can of bear spray. This should only be used in desperate situations. The material used for this product is created to shun them away once you spray it on their eyes. Unless you desperately need to have this, better keep it safe in your backpack.
Make your watching experience memorable by being prepared. Make a list of the things you should bring with you and pack them ahead of time. If you come in big groups, be sure to remind each member of the things mentioned on this list.
One activity that is gaining popularity at present is this thing called bear watching. This is where you go to place that is known for bear sightings and watch them from a certain location with your guides. Services like the Juneau bear tours arise because of the demand of the people to do the activity with the permission of the local officials of the place.
Bear watching can be fun. But there is a high risks that comes with this activity as well. Remember that they are sensitive animals. They easily react to movements and immediately shift into predatorial mode when they see you as threats. More importantly, they are intelligent. So unless you want to have a problem dealing with these huge animals during one of your visits, be sure to remember the following things.
First, wear the proper attire. You do not go to a park or an aquarium. You go to somewhere remote and away from the city so be sure you are wearing the right clothing. As much as possible, avoid those clothing that will make your uncomfortable to move. Bring spare shirts just to be sure. If you are supposed to go to a mountainous area, bring hiking shoes. Do not forget your cap or jacket as well as the weather demands.
Two, secure your foods.This means placing them in the right place away from the prying hands and eyes of your target animals. Yes, bears can smell foods a mile away. And if you leave those sweet smelling cookies unattended, expect them to come running your car to steal them away. One of your best option may be placing them on your car trunk until you come back from viewing.
Do not approach them. No matter how kind they look or how you badly want to touch their soft looking fur, you should never ever approach them. As mentioned, they are sensitive and intelligent. If they become too accustomed to human presence, they might come straight to you next time. If you feed them, they will eventually come looking for food from you.
Fourth, do not run when you see a bear. It is natural to feel afraid once you see one walking at your direction. More scary if it is looking straight at you. Your first instinct would be to run. However, if you want to be safe, it is best if you do not. Avoid eye contact to the animal as well. Just raise your hand, wave it and slowly back away. No running. Otherwise, you will be chased.
Fifth, bring with you a can of bear spray. This should only be used in desperate situations. The material used for this product is created to shun them away once you spray it on their eyes. Unless you desperately need to have this, better keep it safe in your backpack.
Make your watching experience memorable by being prepared. Make a list of the things you should bring with you and pack them ahead of time. If you come in big groups, be sure to remind each member of the things mentioned on this list.
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