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Many Are Choosing To Swim With Alligators Every Year

By Alta Alexander

Alligators are large carnivores and can become very aggressive when protecting their young. Becoming a victim of these animals can be avoided as one just needs to understand their behavior. Having a swim with alligators is becoming more and more popular while at the same time the need to show respect to these predators is very important.

One very important rule that everyone must adhere to is to never feed them. If this is done they will no longer by afraid of humans but will become much bolder and will seek them out. If one is aware that there are these creatures in rivers etc and there are other animals such as ducks, refrain from feeding them as this will encourage the alligators to associate humans with easy food. Cleaning fish or leaving bait on the ground will also invite them closer and those found feeding them will be given a fine of one hundred and fifty dollars or thirty days in jail.

Many people actually keep these animals as pets but if one is looking for a friendly and loving animal it is advisable to give this one a miss. Many experts say that these animals should never be kept and should instead go for the geckos, skinks or even the non poisonous snakes. Only those that have the resources to keep these and are very experienced can look into it. They are exceptionally expensive to keep as well.

These species can never be tamed even after many hours of handling them. Some of them can be more tolerant to handling then others but they are wild animals and just like large felines they live by instinct. Many people do breed them in hatcheries but they have got a world of knowledge when it comes to them and their handlers are well educated in all aspects of their own safety.

The most popular specie to be kept captive was the Caiman crocodile but has now been taken over by the Dwarf caimans. They do not grow to be very large and seem to be more available. Their natural habitat is along the Amazon River in South America. They are more nocturnal and will spend their days hiding out in burrows.

Captive ones can be fed with live pinkie mice, earthworms, super-worms, crickets and crayfish as well as krill and turtle pellets. Many feed them goldfish but is has been noted that being fed these continuously can cause a deficiency in Vitamin E. The hatchlings should be fed regularly every two days and sometimes daily. The teenage adults can be fed two to three times a week and the adults one to two times per week.

Alligators many years ago were nearly never seen but lately in Florida they seem to be everywhere. Many people are afraid to let their dogs and cats out to explore as they might just become the next meal. They were few and far between when they were allowed to be hunted but now there is a law to protect these creatures.

Introducing children to them is a good thing as they will learn that respect is needed when in their habitat. Those that are allowed to attend parties are needed to be kept on a leash at all times to prevent injury. They are generally also restrained by tape in order to keep the mouths closed.

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