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The Many Things That Should Be Represented In A SHTF Bag

By Ruthie Livingston

A flood, fire or other natural disaster, along with electricity shutting down, in a fairly large area, are all things people consider to be the shit hitting the fan. The many people who consider themselves preppers will also suggest the possibility of, wait for it, zombies. Regardless of what is happening, whether natural or man made, if you must leave your home for any length of time, you will need a SHTF bag.

The contents of this container, often called a bug out bag, should enable you to live for at least three days. This will allow you to move about in a dangerous world and search for a better, more defensible structure. All of the contents, that may have to be contained in several large bags, will be survival materials used only for the people in your party.

The items needed for this survival will begin with water. The experts state that one gallon a day per person is needed. The presence of streams and rivers, close by, does not mean you have adequate drinking water unless you pack it. Water purification tablets are also necessary for those occasional fairly clean streams you find.

You will not be able to depend on a good source of drinking water as the disaster that has overtaken your area will, possibly, contaminate any streams or rivers. Showers will not be a fact during this time, however, bathing in a river is possible if you do not mind the fish and other slimy things next to you.

Food is necessary as the fuel for your body it is supposed to be. You will be working harder and faster than you have ever done before, so nutrition should be on the top of your list, after water. Dehydrated foods are available and they have a light weight way of providing this. Using a little water and a simple tin can stove will make fast work of any meal.

A roof over your head is still appropriate and can be satisfied with a tent or a tarp. You will also need a sleeping bag or blanket roll. Being on the move, most of the time during this period, you will definitely need a good sleep at night. This warmth is especially necessary should the climate be inclement.

Knives and a method for keeping them sharp should be included. This item is useful for all sorts of tasks. A gun or two, for protection and the provision of game meat, is extremely helpful and will boost morale quite a bit. A first aid kit, complete with everything that you need to patch up the majority of cuts and abrasions is necessary. Disinfecting spray is something that should be included.

This type of bag is vital for your family because it is the only thing between your home and the next best place to be. You will not have the surrounding comfort of your home, however, you will still have all of the basic needs that you had before you left home. You should have things to ensure you can survive in the dangerous world that you must get along within.

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